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Moss Agate

Moss Agate is one of the world’s most beautiful gems. Made of silicon dioxide, this semi-precious gemstone is formed from volcanic activity and is known for its unique patterns. Beloved for its green color, moss agate is a favorite choice for engagement rings, wedding rings, necklaces, bracelets, and more.

examples of moss agate gemstones with green inclusions - a perfect stone for the nature lover

What is Moss Agate?

Contrary to its name, moss agate isn’t actually an agate. Instead, this semi-precious gemstone is a form of chalcedony quartz, known for having a white, milky field and moss-like green inclusions that vary from light to dark. These non-organic metal oxide patterns, known as “dendritic” inclusions, are made from iron or manganese and create a breathtaking branching effect that’s similar to ice crystals, trees, ferns, and, as the name suggests moss!

Like many other gemstones, moss agate is formed under extremely hostile conditions. The gem is created from volcanic activity and is located in fragments or fissures of weathered volcanic rocks throughout the world, including places like Uruguay, the United States, Brazil, and India.

three moss agate gems in princess cut

How Moss Agate Forms?

As mentioned briefly, moss agate is formed within volcanic rock, but the process it undergoes during this formation is fascinating. It all starts with a process called silica precipitation, where fluids that are rich in silica seep into the cracks and voids of rocks, solidifying into a new mineral. For moss agates, the fluids contain a mixture of other minerals, including iron, that reacts with each other, creating the gemstone’s characteristic green coloration and dendritic inclusions.

For a stone to become a moss agate, it must include volcanic rock. This key factor is rich in iron and additional minerals that create the gemstone’s unique color patterns. Along with the mineral content, the pressure and heat from volcanic activity play a large part in moss agate formation. The pressure pushes the silica fluids deeply into the cracks and voids in the rock, causing a form of combustion that triggers the gemstone formation.

Along with the volcanic rock, moss agate needs water to form, which is why it is typically found within or near volcanic rock exposed to water. The water effectively dissolves the minerals and transports them into the cracks and voids within the rock. The formation process is considered slow, as crystalization occurs from an accumulation of minerals over time. This gradual growth is the reason behind the intricate and unique patterns that are visible within the stone.

beatiful inclusions from water, vulcanic rock and slow process of crystalization

One of the most interesting things about moss agate formation is how little scientists actually know about the process. Unlike many other gemstones, they have a basic understanding of how the formation works, but the complexities are still unknown, adding the mystery and magic of this beautiful stone.

Mineralogy and Composition

While the primary mineral in Moss Agate is silicon dioxide or SiO2, which is the same chemical formulation as quartz, it contains other trace minerals that contribute to its unique appearance. The additional minerals most commonly found in Moss Agate include:

Manganese and Iron oxide

These minerals are responsible for the beautiful colorations within Moss Agate gemstones, which include shades of black, brown, red, and green.


Hornblende is a mineral ranging in shades from dark green to black and is rich in both magnesium and iron. It is responsible for the dendritic inclusions that create the stunning patterns within the stone, resembling trees, ferns, and moss.


Chlorite isn’t one mineral but rather a group of them that contain a high magnesium and iron content. They are typically green and enhance and contribute to the moss-like colorations within Moss Agate gemstones.

kite moss agate with unique appearance due to inclusions and composition

Physical Characteristics

Moss Agate has one of the most unique and visually appealing appearances, which is why this semi-precious gemstone has captivated civilization for thousands of years. The characteristics that make it so beloved are as follows:

the shades of green in mos s agate gemstone


Moss Agate is most commonly known for the shades of green that can range from translucent and light to dark and vibrant hues. These color variations are due to the concentration of minerals, including chlorite, iron, hornblende, and more. Although less frequent, Moss Agate can present additional colorations like red, brown, gray, and white, depending on the mineral composition.

kite shapped moss gemstones with high gloss luster


When polished, Moss Agate presents a glassy or vitreous luster, adding to its shine and visual appeal. The stone’s luster depends on several factors, including the type and concentration of the inclusions and its overall quality.

dendritic inclusions in oval gemstone


The most defining feature of a Moss Agate gemstone is the dendritic inclusions. These intricate patterns range in color from brown to black or dark green and contrast beautifully with the lighter chalcedony background. The inclusions can vary in shape, creating patterns resembling ferns, trees, foliage, and moss.

examples of different transparency


Moss Agate’s range from semi-translucent to translucent. Semi-transparent stones allow minimal light to penetrate through, while fully transparent stones are far more translucent. The transparency directly impacts the uniqueness of the patterns and colors within the gemstone.

different sizes of hexagon shapped gems


Moss Agates come in a wide range of sizes, from cabochons and small beads to larger, more physically impressive stones. The gemstone’s size influences how intricate the inclusions are and the overall visibility of the piece.

two examples of hard moss agate gemstones


Moss Agate is considered a very hard gemstone, with a hardness rating of 6.5 – 7 on the Mohs scale. While it is a durable stone and popular for use in jewelry, it should still be handled with care to prevent damage and scratching.

a few samples of available moss shapes

Shape and Cut

While Moss Agate can be cut into a variety of shapes, beads, cabochons, and carvings are the most popular. A cabochon is a polished dome-shaped stone that has no facets in order to enhance the designs and colors inside it.

one of the moss popular shapes and type of cut for moss agate gemstone

Refractive Index and Density

The refractive index of Moss Agate is generally between 1.54 and 1.55, while its density ranges between 2.58 and 2.64 on average.

moss agates are untreated - only cut and polished


To preserve the natural beauty and highlight the inclusions and patterns within the stone, Moss Agate is generally left untreated, receiving only cutting and polishing to enhance its unique appearance.

The History of Moss Agate

Since ancient times, Moss Agate has been a treasured gemstone in cultures across the world. Starting dating back thousands of years, ancient civilizations used moss agate for its believed protective and healing properties, wearing the gemstone as a talisman or amulet to fend off negativity and invite good fortune. In medieval Europe, farmers used the stone to encourage agricultural prosperity. During the Middle Ages, it was used in fields and gardens to encourage bountiful harvests and ensure healthy crops.

Moss Agate was also popular in the Americas among the indigenous cultures. Native Americans honored the gemstone for its beauty and connection to the earth and nature. They used it in ceremonies and rituals as a conduit for communicating with spirits and strengthening the connection between the natural world and humans.

At one time, moss agate was called “mocha stone,” named for Mocha, a city in Yemen that was the main source of the semi-precious gemstone for the ancient world. Agate wasn’t only used as jewelry; the Romans were notorious for their unique use of the stone, crushing it and putting it into ointments and lotions in order to absorb its divine powers.

the gemstones of nature and Earth

More recently, within the 19th century, Moss Agate became popular with Queen Victoria of England, who famously wore the gemstone as jewelry, crafting many pieces that are greatly valued by collectors today.

Where is Moss Agate found?

As noted earlier, Moss Agate is found throughout the world, making it an abundant gemstone in regions that can meet its specific geologic conditions. Some of the most notable mining locations include the following:


There are Agate deposits throughout Europe, including in the Czech Republic, Romania, and Germany.


Russian Agates is particularly unique, as it may present distinct inclusions and patterns only found within the Urais region. This phenomenon is due to a diverse range of mineral compositions specific to Russia.


A significant amount of Agates is mined in Western Australia. Australian Agate is known for its wide range of colors, including red, brown, and shades of green.


While Agates are found throughout India, the state of Gujarat boasts the greatest concentration of this semi-precious gemstone. Indian Agates boasts rich green-colored inclusions that resemble vegetation or moss.

The United States

Miners extract Agates throughout the United States in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, and Montana. Montana, in particular, is renowned for producing some of the highest quality Agates, featuring stones with vibrant colors and intricate inclusions.

world map where moss agates are being mined

How is Moss Agate Mined?

Mining practices vary by the mine’s locations, with sustainable and responsible methods emphasized throughout the world to encourage ethical sourcing and minimize the environmental impact. Furthermore, the quality and availability of the Agate will vary between locations, which directly influences its desirability and market value. Agate mining generally includes:

Prospecting and Exploration

Mineral experts and geologists identify potential Agate deposits by recognizing prime mineral composition and geologic formations in a specific area.


When geologists identify a favorable Agate deposit, they begin mining operations. The mining techniques used will vary by the geological conditions and location and can include underground mining, open-pit mining, or quarrying.


Once miners extract the Agate from the mine, they send the raw materials to a processing facility. At this facility, workers sort and clean the gemstones before preparing them for polishing and cutting.

Polishing and Cutting

Depending on the stone, the Agates are cut into varying shapes, including beads and cabochons, or carved into an object. Once cut, expert lapidaries polish the stone to highlight the unique inclusions and patterns within each one.

Sale and Distribution

Once the Agate is cut into its final shape and polished, it’s sent to retailers, collectors, artisans, and jewelers. These professionals create stunning pieces highlighting the beauty and originality of each gemstone.

polished and cut agate gemstones in various shapes

How to Identify a Moss Agate Gemstone?

Moss Agate is a stunning stone with a distinctive appearance, but it can sometimes be hard to differentiate from other similar gemstones. To identify Moss Agate, you must closely examine the physical characteristics, including the color, patterns, and inclusions. Here is a guide on differentiating Moss Agate from other stones, including similar agate varieties.

two kite shaped stones in rings for comparison

Visual Comparisons

If you have two stones that you believe may be Moss Agate, compare them side by side and observe the characteristics of each. Using the following guide, you can identify Moss Agate patterns and inclusions that help differentiate it from similar gemstones.

agates feature inclusions that are moss-like

Inclusions and Color

Moss Agate gemstones are characterized by their intricate moss-like inclusions and green colorations. The inclusions are dark or light and have branching shapes. If a stone claims to be a Moss Agate and lacks these green inclusions, it may be an imposter.

moss compared to moss gemstones

Gravity and Density

Moss Agates have a similar gravity to other quartz stones, approximately 2.58 – 2.64. Knowing this number can be a helpful tool during the identification process.

transparency can vary

Luster and Transparency

Moss Agate is one of the only agates to have a semi-translucent or translucent luster. While other agate stones may differ in transparency or contain a different luster, Moss Agate will always fall into one of the two categories.

comparing hardness of quartz and agates


Comparable to other quartz varieties like amethyst, Moss Agate has a hardness level of 6.5 – 7.

each gemstone has one of a kind patterns


When all else fails, looking at a stone’s patterns is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to tell if it’s Moss Agate. The patterns inside true Moss Agate gemstones are consistent, appearing as if they are growing out of the stone.

To differentiate and identify Moss Agate from other stones accurately, you should always rely on a mixture of visual examinations and a comprehensive understanding of the gemstone’s physical characteristics. Additionally, consulting a professional or expert is recommended if you are unsure.

Agate Stones that Resemble Moss Agate

There are many varieties of agates, each boasting its own beautiful characteristics. A few varieties of gemstones that Moss Agate is compared to include:

example of fire agate gemstone

Fire Agate

Fire Agate features reflective and iridescent inclusions that play off the light with patterns that are more organic than those within the Moss Agate.

chalcedony tree agate gemstone example

Tree Agate

Tree Agate is a typical chalcedony with dendritic inclusions that resemble the branch of a tree. However, unlike Moss Agate, the Tree Agate is either gray or white with more contrasting and pronounced inclusions.

blue lines in blue laced agate

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is generally blue, as its name suggests, with white bands throughout. While there may be some light or white inclusions within the stone, they aren’t as pronounced as those on the Moss Agate.

example opaque dendritic agate gem

Dendritic Agate

One of the closest cousins to the Moss agate is the Dendritic Agate, with both featuring tree-like inclusions. However, Dendritic Agates have a broader range of background patterns and colorations, including white, brown, and black.

feathery inclusions in plume agate gemstone

Plume Agate

Unlike the branching inclusions in Moss Agate, Plume Agates contain feathery or wispy inclusions resembling clouds or smoke.

How Moss Agate is Used?

Agate has a variety of uses due to its intense beauty and unique characteristics. For thousands of years, people have used this semi-precious gemstone, and that rich tradition continues to this day.


Due to its hardness, this gemstone is a favorite for use in accessories. The stone is often added to zipper pulls and keychains and used as a worry stone, making it easy to carry on the go.


It goes without saying that a gemstone as beautiful as Moss Agate is a favorite in jewelry. The stones are often cut into different shapes and sizes and used in bracelets, earrings, and rings. The stunning designs make it popular for both formal and casual designs.

Artistic designs

For centuries, the breathtaking inclusions within have inspired artists to create mosaics, sculptures, and decorative objects from the semi-precious gemstone.

loose agate gemstones for accessories and jewelry


Agate is an excellent medium for crafting stunning decor for the home or office. It is carved into a variety of shapes, including vases, paperweights, bookends, and figurines.

Keepsakes and Gifts

Due to the intricate inclusions and patterns, along with the symbolism it holds, Agates are a popular choice for keepsakes and gifts.

Beads and Cabochons

Agates are particularly popular when formed into beads and cabochons. The beads are used in bracelets, necklaces, and accessories.

giving a gemstone as a gift is also possible


As mentioned earlier, people have used Agates since the Middle Ages to encourage healthy plant growth, and it continues to be a go-to tool for horticulturists and gardeners seeking to encourage abundant gardens and support healthy plant growth.

Metaphysical and Healing Practices

For those who seek metaphysical and alternative healing practices, people believe Agates have numerous beneficial attributes. They use it for abundance, promoting growth, emotional balance, stability, and grounding.

Crystal Grids

People often use Agates in crystal grids, where they lay stones in a pattern to improve their energy and aid in a particular purpose or intention.

Spiritual Work and Meditation

Many people turn to Agates during meditation to enhance the feeling of harmony and tranquility and develop a deeper connection with nature. Since the stone forms within the earth’s rock, people use it to encourage connection with nature.

these gemstones can also be used in crystal grids

Whether people use it as a tool for alternative healing or simply enjoy it for its beauty and unique characteristics, Agate remains one of the most beloved gemstones in the world.

The Beauty of Moss Agate Jewelry

Moss Agate is one of the most popular gemstones for use in a wide array of jewelry thanks to its high hardness level and unparalleled beauty. Jewelers cut the semi-precious stones into various sizes and shapes, creating unique pieces that are sure to become heirlooms passed down through the generations.

a great example of a moss agate engagement ring on a woman's hand

Engagement Rings

Express your love with a unique Moss Agate engagement ring. Expertly crafted to highlight the unique beauty of each stone, these stunning rings stand out from the crowd. Be sure to check out our Moss Agate Engagement Rings.

ring set with wedding ring and engagement ring moss agate gemstone based

Wedding Rings

Nothing says “I do” like a breathtaking Moss Agate Wedding Ring. Experience the luster and depth of colors for a ring that will last as long as your love.

woman wearing a necklace with moss agate oval gemstone


Capture the beauty of Moss Agate Necklace crafted from top-quality materials.

example of moss agate minimalist earrings


Dazzle any occasion with showstopping Moss Agate Earrings. The perfect finishing touch, they are the ideal accessory.

hand with a moss gemstone bracelet


Showcase your style with an eye-turning Moss Agate Bracelet, expertly designed and crafted to the highest quality.

modern anklet in a jewelry box


Moss Agate Anklet adds a touch of elegance, draping beautifully around the ankle. Dressed up or down, they are a stunning addition to any outfit.

The Meaning of Moss Agate in Engagement Rings

Along with their intense beauty, choosing Moss Agate for your engagement ring adds numerous symbolic meanings, highlighting your love.

kite moss agate gemstone for your emotional healing on a ring


As a semi-precious gemstone, Agate is known for its emotional healing properties. Many turn to the stone for stress relief, improved self-esteem, and for promoting emotional growth. When used in an engagement ring, Agate can symbolize the growth and healing that occurs in a loving relationship.

with moss agate stones you always carry a part of nature with you

A Connection with Nature

Due to its stunning green shades and intricate inclusions, Agate is directly tied to nature. For couples who appreciate spending time outdoors and have a passion for environmental preservation, it is an ideal stone to use within an engagement ring.

successful future is what an agate gem represents

Prosperity and Abundance

For generations, people adored Agates for its association with prosperity and abundance. When worn in an engagement ring, it symbolizes hope for a prosperous and successful future.

in harmony with nature is what moss agates represent

Balance and Stability

When used in relationships, Agate is known to bring balance and stability and help couples maintain harmony. The symbolism is intensely meaningful when used in an engagement ring, representing unity and strength in the partnership.

Choosing A Moss Agate Engagement Ring

There are few choices as important as an engagement ring, and you want to ensure you select the ideal one to celebrate your love. When selecting the perfect Moss Agate engagement ring, keep the following factors in mind.

prong settings with a round moss agate gem

The Setting

A ring’s setting not only highlights the beauty of the stone but offers protection from harm. Moss Agate is a special gemstone since it comes in many unique shapes, so there are many setting options to choose from. Some of the most popular that highlight the stunning inclusions are halo, prong, and bezel settings.

two examples of a smaller and bigger agate gemstones in rings

The Shape and Size

Moss Agate gemstones come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, including cushion-cut, oval, and round. Select a shape and size that compliments the wearer’s personal preferences and style.

3 rings set in rose gold and yellow gold with mossy agates

The Metal

The unique colorations within Moss Agate gemstones compliment all metal types, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate its intense beauty. When selecting a metal, consider the wearer’s personal taste and skin tone to ensure you select a color that compliments their style. Popular metal options include platinum, gold, and silver.

Frequently Asked Questions Moss Agate

Is Moss Agate OK for Daily Wear?

Moss Agate has a high Mohr’s hardness level of 6.5 to 7, making it an excellent choice for daily wear. With proper care, it can last for generations. However, it can incur damage if hit against hard, abrasive surfaces. Additionally, since most stones are not treated only polished and cut, it’s important to avoid contact with harmful or staining chemicals.

Is Moss Agate a Real Gemstone?

Yes, Moss Agate is a real semi-precious gemstone and is part of the quartz family. Despite its name, it isn’t a pure agate, but it remains a popular choice for those seeking a breathtaking gemstone to use in jewelry, accessories, or for its spiritual or metaphysical properties.

What is Moss Agate Crystal Good for?

Moss Agate crystals are often used as decor and jewelry, and they are also utilized to promote healing and growth. For centuries, farmers have placed the gemstones in their gardens to encourage healthy plant growth and fertile ground. Spiritualists turn to the stone to attract abundance and help tap into their creativity. Those who simply enjoy the beauty of this semi-precious gemstone use it in their jewelry and accessories, thanks to its high hardness level that makes it ideal for daily wear.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of Moss Agate?

Along with being a beautiful-looking gemstone, many believe that Moss Agate contains metaphysical properties. Believers attribute to it the support of emotional balance and encouragement of tranquility. Many wear it to aid in emotional regulation, as it is thought to calm those experiencing strong aggression while balancing female and male energies.

Is Moss Agate Good for Jewelry?

Moss Agate is one of the most popular gemstones for use in jewelry, thanks to its stunning colorations and high hardness level. It is often set in rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, in either a cut or organic shape for an intricate and stunning accessory.

Does Moss Agate Chip Easily?

While Moss Agate has a relatively high hardness score, it can chip if stored or worn incorrectly. When wearing, avoid hitting the gemstone on other hard surfaces and remove it when participating in high-contact activities that could damage the stone like cleaning, gardening, or rock climbing. When traveling, storing the gemstone separately from other stones, preferably in its own jewelry bag or box, will help ensure it arrives safely and doesn’t chip or scratch.

How Can You Tell if Moss Agate is Real?

Moss Agate is a popular gemstone, making it a prime target for counterfeiting. When purchasing from a trusted source, the chances of receiving a fake stone are scarce. However, if you are worried about whether your Agate is real, you can begin by looking at the coloration within the stone. True Agates have a translucent or semi-translucent green background with moss-like inclusions that vary in color between dark green, brown, and black.

Where should Moss Agate be Placed?

Moss Agate offers many uses and individuals can place it in various areas depending on their intentions. For home use, followers of Feng Shui believe placing the gemstone in the eastern and southeastern sections welcomes prosperity and abundance. When seeking to utilize its believed healing properties, individuals wear Moss Agate on the heart chakra or as an accessory in a bracelet, ring, or even earrings.

Where are Moss Agates Found?

Throughout the world, people find Moss Agate in areas with rich volcanic rock. Mines in the United States, Europe, Australia, Uruguay, Brazil, and India yield this gemstone.

What are the Benefits of Wearing Moss Agate Bracelet?

Moss Agate believers attribute emotional balance and tranquility to its wearer. Agate bracelets, along with calming mood swings and promoting positive energy, are also believed to bring good luck and healing. Individuals seeking access to the stone’s powers prefer Agate, believing it possesses spiritual and metaphysical properties, aside from its physical attractiveness.

Is Moss Agate Hard Enough for Engagement Ring?

Thanks to its Mohs hardness score of between 6.5 and 7, Moss Agate is an excellent gemstone for engagement rings. Although not as hard as diamonds, it can last generations with proper care and is easily shaped into a variety of shapes, making it a popular choice worldwide.

How Rare is Moss Agate?

Although it is considered a semi-precious stone, Moss Agate is abundant and found worldwide. For the gemstone to form, it requires volcanic rock and mineral-rich water, so areas where these are present have the largest concentration of this beautiful gemstone.

Is Moss Agate Expensive?

Compared to many other gemstones, Agates are reasonably priced. When used in jewelry, they create a stunning piece packed with beautiful colors and inclusions that are unique and unlike more traditional stones. Many people choose to use Agates in their engagement rings for a distinctive setting that’s full of meaning and unlike many other conventional choices.

Who Should Wear Moss Agate?

Moss Agate is an excellent choice for everyone, thanks to its beautiful inclusions and stunning green colorations. Many individuals choose to wear this gemstone not only for its beauty but also for the myriad spiritual, physical, and metaphysical properties it purportedly possesses. Regardless of what you believe, Agate is one of the most popular choices for fine jewelry, making its way into rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and more.

Moss Agate And Spirituality

For thousands of years, civilizations have turned to Agates, not only for its unparalleled beauty but for its spiritual and metaphysical powers. Often called the “stone of the Mother Gaia,” Agate is revered as lucky and believed to have healing and protective properties. Let’s explore further the spiritual side of Agate and the benefits this semi-precious gemstone is believed to deliver.

The Spiritual Meaning

Agate and spirituality have always seemed to go hand in hand. For thousands of years, people have turned to this sem-precious gemstone for luck, with farmers believing it could provide abundance with their crops. The green colors and tree-like inclusions tie the stone to nature, with spiritualists believing it draws prosperity to the wearer. The metaphysical properties of agates tie to healing and protection, helping to mend a broken heart and create a sense of grounding. Many turn to Agates during a life change to attract positivity and enter the next stage, cleansed and revitalized.

three mossy gemstones and flowers in for spirituality

The Healing Properties

Agate, believed to promote new beginnings, refreshes the soul and opens the eyes to natural beauty in your surroundings. Many believe that wearing the gemstone daily helps reduce sensitivity to environmental pollutants and weather while developing strength. Additionally, believers attribute to Agate the ability to bring inspiration and creativity after a period of stagnation. Those who wear or hold Agate receive boldness for communication and self-expression, with emotional balance and the release of stress and fear. Many believe the gemstone can reduce the symptoms of depression while encouraging hope and trust.

For centuries, people have trusted Agates to expedite recovery from illnesses, trusting in its anti-inflammatory properties to cleanse the elimination and circulatory system. Midwives have used the stone during childbirth to lessen pain and ensure a successful delivery. Furthermore, people use Agate to boost the immune system and promote healthy digestion. It is a common remedy for treating the flu, colds, and lowering fevers, as well as healing skin and fungal infections, and aiding in the prevention of dehydration and hypoglycemia.

Agates and Protection

Many have turned to Agates for protection from negative energies and harm. People believe it protects relationships and brings peace into existence. The gemstone’s healing and protective qualities tightly interlink, helping keep the mind and body safe from harm and encouraging them to thrive.

The Metaphysical Properties

Agate gemstones are believed to facilitate change and renewal in life, encouraging spiritual endeavors and creativity. The intricate dendritic inclusions bring peace and serenity, restoring relationships and enhancing mental clarity.

Additionally, it can soothe hurt feelings and emotions resulting from tension and stress. Those seeking to remove negativity and mental blocks trust the calming effects of Agate to ground them using the stillness and beauty of nature.

kite shaped gems

To gain the full benefits of this breathtaking gemstone, people use Agate in a variety of ways. Whether in the office or at home, they place it in multiple spots to attract prosperity and abundance. When worn as jewelry, it imparts healing properties to the wearer, making it as functional as it is beautiful. Many choose to use the stone in spiritual rituals or meditation to help with grounding and to benefit from the spiritual and protective qualities.

Caring for Agates

Agates are incredibly easy to clean, only requiring a soft cloth or brush and warm, mild soap. To clean, dip the ring in warm, soapy water, gently rub with the brush or cloth and rinse. You should never use harsh cleaning solutions or put Agate-based jewelry in a sonic cleaner, as this can cause damage to the untreated stone. When storing or traveling, place it in a jewelry box, cloth bag, or plastic jewelry bag away from other stones and metals to prevent scratching.


Agate, one of the most stunning semi-precious gemstones, has been used for thousands of years. Contrary to its name, Agate is actually a type of quartz, with a high hardness level that makes it perfect for everyday wear. Mined across the world, it features beautiful shades of semi-translucent or translucent green, with intricate moss-like inclusions throughout. Unlike some gemstones, people generally leave Agate untreated, undergoing only cutting and polishing to highlight the stone’s natural beauty.

Throughout centuries, people have used the gemstone to encourage abundant harvests, heal the mind and body, and attract good luck. Its unique inclusions make it a favorite choice for jewelry, and it resists cracking or chipping, though wearers should avoid hitting it against hard surfaces and store it correctly while traveling.

If you’re searching for one-of-a-kind Agate jewelry, turn to Aurelius. We craft our made-to-order pieces from the highest quality materials and feature stunning Agate chosen for its intensity and clarity. At Aurelius, we commit to a tradition of excellence and deliver exceptional pieces that stand the test of time. Showcase your exquisite taste with exceptional Moss Agate from the premier name in fine jewelry, Aurelius.

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