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Turquoise Ring

No matter whichever item is trending, no jewelry has ever been able to beat a turquoise ring. But there are so many ring options available these days. The intricate detail that such rings possess has never been found on any other ring before. The best part is that they look best on every type of skin tone. And this makes this the perfect option for people looking for rings to celebrate their auspicious occasions.

Not many people know this, but when getting a turquoise engagement ring. There are so many things that have to be looked upon to end up with the perfect ring. These things include types, patterns, colors, and so much more.

wedding ring and engagement turquoise ring

About Turquoise

Before diving into how to choose the right turquoise ring and the different varieties available these days. It is essential to know a little about the stone and its meaning to better understand your taste. Turquoise was first brought from Europe to Turkey, and along the way, it passed on to different locations in Turkey. From there, turquoise became very popular in the market, and every rich person was seen wearing it.

The making of this stone is not done overnight. The turquoise used in engagement rings took hundreds of years to form. It’s made when water mixes with minerals like copper and aluminum. The result is this shiny stone that is enough to light up any room! Even a small hint of turquoise on any jewelry item makes that piece noticeable from a distance.

Why have turquoise rings never gone out of style?

People still look for turquoise rings to celebrate their milestones because of the meaning that this stone holds. For many years, turquoise has been known to invite good fortune and luck into your life. Especially when you get it as a gift for someone, when paired with the suitable material of the ring, the stone and the band together can create a strong meaning to it. When worn, this can invite success and prosperity into the lives of the person to whom this is gifted. It’s important not to forget that turquoise is a very eye-catching color. So naturally, a turquoise ring makes a mark for itself separately when worn by anyone. Turquoise wedding rings have always made a statement for the couple, and it looks fantastic on both men and women.

Different Colors of Turquoise

One of the reasons why turquoise is so popular is because of the unique color that it has. When getting a turquoise engagement ring, it’s necessary to look into its different colors. And get the one that attracts you the most. There are two different variants when it comes to turquoise:

Blue Turquoise

blue turquoise or green turquoise

This color is somewhere close to a medium blue. Originated in Iran, the blue turquoise is also called Persian blue. It has been used in jewelry items for centuries. Most of the native turquoise engagement rings have been all in this color. Most people prefer to use blue turquoise in their rings as it gives off a lovely shine. Turquoise rings for women in this particular color go with every outfit too!

Green Turquoise

As its name indicates, green turquoise is a color when hues of both blue and green. Even though most people prefer to get blue turquoise for their rings, green turquoise looks equally pretty and elegant.

Different Types of Turquoise for Rings

Turquoise is available in different types, and each one is beautiful in its way. The different types of turquoise used in rings are:

Synthetic Turquoise

Technology reaches new heights each day. And this has made it possible for people who can’t afford natural gemstones to get synthetic ones. Synthetic or lab-grown turquoise have the same structure, chemically and physically, and they look just like authentic ones.

Enhanced Turquoise

As indicated by its name, enhanced turquoise are those stones in which natural turquoise has been treated with electrical shocks. These shocks improve the durability of the turquoise since the stone is very soft in its nature. Due to the shocks, such types of turquoise don’t discolor quickly too.

Stabilized Turquoise

Stabilizing anything means that its flaws don’t become a downfall for its damage. And same is the case with stabilized turquoise. Such stones are treated with acrylics to make sure that the stone’s color remains the same. Native American turquoise rings are all made from stabilized turquoise. That is why they are famous worldwide for their durability and structure.

Natural Turquoise

This is a type of turquoise that’s never been treated with anything. Such stones are in the same form in which they were found, even though each type of turquoise is delicate in its way. The beauty that natural turquoise rings are unmatchable. However, their beauty doesn’t last them very long. With time they get exposed to perfume, oils, and sweat that causes them to lose their color and structure. But there have been ways introduced recently to deal with such problems.

African Turquoise

African turquoise is the one that doesn’t look like authentic turquoise stones by appearance. But their chemical and physical structure is the same. Hence this type of stone has to be treated with blue and green dyes to appear like natural turquoise.

Patterns of Turquoise for Rings

For a turquoise ring, you can choose from a variety of patterns. The pattern for the gemstone on a ring plays an important role. The name of most patterns found on turquoise is named after the location where they are usually found. Some of the most intricate ones that you can choose for your turquoise ring are:

Ribbon Turquoise

It is also known as a boulder turquoise. This pattern features veins of various widths. When cut into various shapes, the veins are cut out to make sure that the pure turquoise pieces appear on the front.

ribbon pattern

Spider Web Turquoise

A spider web turquoise is so named because the turquoise resembles a spider web. The unique thing about this is that this pattern of turquoise is only found in some specific mines.

spiderweb pattern

China Mountain Turquoise

As its name indicates, the China mountain turquoise is found in only some parts of China. The mines there are known to take full advantage of their stones and prepare unique variations of them. China mountain turquoise is usually treated with acrylic to stabilize it. This means that the turquoise of this pattern is highly durable.

green and blue china turquoise

How to choose a turquoise ring correctly?

Some factors must be looked upon when buying a turquoise band ring. If you look at these factors, then you’ll land yourself with the perfect ring! The qualities you need to look out for are:


turquoise ring set
Hexagon Turquoise Ring Set

The cut of the ring is what contributes to its natural beauty. The thing about turquoise is that this stone can look elegant in any shape. Even a simple cut can make this stone look beautiful on a ring. This is yet another reason why people prefer getting a turquoise ring for their engagements and wedding bands. Ovals, chips, and beads are some of the most shapes found in vintage turquoise rings.


There are a variety of sizes available when it comes to turquoise rings. Most people prefer to get larger stones for their jewelry, which doesn’t go heavy on the pocket. Turquoise is also famous for not being steep in price.


simple minimalistic turquoise ring
Open Wedding Band with Turquoise Gemstone

When choosing a turquoise ring, it’s essential to look at its clarity. This will also help you determine whether the turquoise used is real or fake. Real turquoise rings with the best clarity are usually opaque and have a matte-like appearance.


If you’re getting a ring to gift to someone, then you must make sure that the weight of the stone used is light. Turquoise and silver rings are available in various carats. When getting a ring, the size is an essential factor to consider.

Treatments to maintain your turquoise rings

The one downfall that comes with a turquoise ring is the shine and freshness that it comes with when bought. Doesn’t stay that way for long. And then, these items of jewelry have to undergo treatment to come back to their original gracefulness. No matter whichever quality the turquoise is of, they have to undergo treatments at some point.
The number method used to restore the beauty of turquoise rings is the ‘Zachary Process’. Turquoise that undergoes this treatment come out with better color, design, shine, and some become immune to future damage. This process focuses mainly on the texture of the turquoise ring.

How to take care of your turquoise rings?

Getting a turquoise ring is not only about knowing which color and type works best for you. It’s also about knowing how to maintain it. Turquoise is a softer stone than other ones, so it’s essential to take extra care of it. Especially if your turquoise ring has a mix of this stone and other hard ones. Here are a few tips that you can adopt to take care of your turquoise ring:

Remove it during cleaning

Turquoise is permeable to liquids, so when you wear your ring when cleaning the dishes. The liquid can cause damage to the stone. Other than cleaning, if you wear your ring to the shower or in the swimming pool, that can also cause permanent damage to the ring. The chlorine in the pool water can discolor the turquoise.

Clean it carefully

Usually, when cleaning jewelry, we use chemicals or soap water. However, in the case of the turquoise ring, make sure that you clean the stone with a cloth soaked in hot water. This method is the safest way to clean it. Never use chemicals or heat to clean your stone. All of these things can cause damage to the stone.

Store it in a fabric-lined box

The best way to protect any jewelry item is to store it in a fabric-lined box. Such boxes are easy to find and can be made yourself too.

Beware of turquoise rings look-alikes

Technology these days has progressed a lot. Almost everything has a look-alike that looks the same as the original one. Just like that, turquoise rings for women have many look-alikes in the market these days. These copies have a similar structure and appearance as turquoise rings, but they wear out quickly. People use these copies of rings to sell them at high prices. Stones that give a similar appearance to turquoise include variscite and howlite. Out of these, howlite is often sold as white turquoise, and this stone is usually found in parts of Arizona. Variscite is confused as turquoise due to its similar appearance, and vendors use this in their favor.


Turquoise rings have been a symbol of eternal love for centuries. These rings are popular in different cultures and have always made their mark in all eras. Turquoise is also famous as it’s the birthstone for the people born in December. This stone makes the most beautiful gift. Especially for engagement or wedding bands, turquoise rings have been a forever favorite.

The stone stands as a symbol of hope, goodness, wisdom, and protection. This meaning behind turquoise makes it even more special and intimate to get on special occasions. Women go head over heels for turquoise rings. But not only women, turquoise rings for men are also a quick seller these days!

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