Tiny Shield Salt and Pepper Diamond Bridal Ring Set with Wide Wedding Band

From $2,590.00 USD

If you are after a unique wedding ring set, this is the right one for you! This simple but adorable geometric engagement ring with a natural shield cut salt and pepper diamond, set in a solid gold band with asymmetrical claw prongs, will definitely make an impression. It is paired with a wide wedding band with a satin finish. Polished, matte, brushed, and hammered finish are also available. Each shield diamond is one-of-a-kind and to choose one for your ring, please contact us!

(7 customer reviews)

– shield rose cut salt and pepper diamond
– approx. 6x5mm

Band Measurements and Material
– approx. 1.5mm wide, 1.6mm thick (engagement ring)
– approx. 4mm wide, 1.6mm thick (wedding band)
– available in 585/1000 (14k) or 750/1000 (18k) Yellow, White, or Rose Gold and 950/1000 Platinum
– US ring size 3-9, smaller or larger sizes available per request

Production Time
Our items are made-to-order and your piece will require 3 to 5 weeks to create.
Custom orders or items made of platinum may have a longer production period.

All our products that we design are made out of precious metals in accordance with the law. Products are stamped with marks of conformity of precious metal products (state stamp), the standard degree of purity of the precious metal from which they are made, a name stamp and a logo. Table of marks

7 reviews for Tiny Shield Salt and Pepper Diamond Bridal Ring Set with Wide Wedding Band

  1. English

    Meg (verified owner)

    Je l’adore. Je recommande vivement d’acheter des bagues chez Aurelius.

  2. English

    Meg (verified owner)

    I love it. I definitely recommend getting rings at Aurelius.

  3. English

    Caroline (verified owner)

    A ella le encanta. Creo que lo encontró un poco demasiado femenino por sí solo, pero cuando se usan los dos juntos, hacen el ancho perfecto para ella, por lo que usa ambos, con lo que estoy más que bien. Después de todo, ¡fueron diseñados para estar juntos! Realmente es tan hermoso y ambos estamos extremadamente agradecidos.

  4. English

    Caroline (verified owner)

    Elle l’adore. Je pense qu’elle l’a trouvé un peu trop féminin en soi, mais lorsqu’elle porte les deux ensemble, ils ont la largeur parfaite pour elle, alors elle porte les deux, ce qui me convient parfaitement. Après tout, ils ont été conçus pour être ensemble ! C’est vraiment si beau et nous sommes tous les deux extrêmement reconnaissants.

  5. English

    Caroline (verified owner)

    She loves it. I think she found it a little too feminine by itself, but when wearing the two together, they make the perfect width for her, so she’s wearing both, which I’m more than fine with. After all they were designed to be together! It really is so beautiful and we both are extremely thankful.

  6. English

    Caroline (verified owner)

    Ona to miluje. Myslím, že jí to přišlo samo o sobě trochu moc ženské, ale když nosí ty dvě dohromady, dělají jí ideální šířku, takže nosí obě, což mi víc než vyhovuje. Koneckonců, byli navrženi tak, aby byli spolu! Je to opravdu tak krásné a jsme oba nesmírně vděční.

  7. English

    Caroline (verified owner)

    Sie liebt es. Ich denke, sie fand es alleine etwas zu feminin, aber wenn sie beide zusammen getragen werden, ergeben sie die perfekte Weite für sie, also trägt sie beides, was mir mehr als gut gefällt. Schließlich waren sie dafür gemacht, zusammen zu sein! Es ist wirklich so schön und wir beide sind sehr dankbar.

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